Family Kayaking Course

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Family Kayak Camp

Date: July 2nd – July 8th, 2023*
Length: 7 days
From: $2799/adult; $2699/youth (6 and under)

Minimum Age: 6 and up, water-level dependent
River Rating: Class I-III
Includes: Glamping, Healthy Meals, River Equipment, Professional Coaching & more!

*We offer all-inclusive family camp sessions throughout the summer and are happy to accommodate custom and/or extended camp weeks by request.[/vc_column_text][vc_raw_html]JTNDYnV0dG9uJTIwY2xhc3MlM0QlMjdmbHlib29rLWJvb2stbm93LWJ1dHRvbiUyMGZiLXdpZGdldC10eXBlLWZyb250ZW5kJTIwZmItZGVmYXVsdC1jYXRlZ29yeS1pZC0wJTIwZmItYWNjb3VudC1pZC0xMDA4JTIwZmItZW50aXR5LWNvbmZpZy1pZC0yNDUwNyUyMGZiLWRvbWFpbi1nby50aGVmbHlib29rLmNvbSUyMGZiLXByb3RvY29sLWh0dHBzJTI3JTIwc3R5bGUlM0QlMjdiYWNrZ3JvdW5kLWNvbG9yJTNBJTIwJTIzMDY4OGFhJTNCJTI3JTNFQm9vayUyME5vdyUzQyUyRmJ1dHRvbiUzRSUzQ2xpbmslMjByZWwlM0QlMjdzdHlsZXNoZWV0JTI3JTIwaHJlZiUzRCUyN2h0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGZ28udGhlZmx5Ym9vay5jb20lMkZjb250ZW50JTJGYm9vdHN0cmFwcGVyJTJGZmx5Ym9va2Jvb3RzdHJhcC5jc3MlMjclMjAlMkYlM0UlM0NzY3JpcHQlMjBzcmMlM0QlMjdodHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRmdvLnRoZWZseWJvb2suY29tJTJGY3VzdG9tJTJGYm9vdHN0cmFwcGVyJTJGZmx5Ym9va2Jvb3RzdHJhcC5qcyUyNyUzRSUzQyUyRnNjcmlwdCUzRQ==[/vc_raw_html][/toggle][toggle color=”Default” heading_tag=”h6″ heading_tag_functionality=”default” title=”CAMP OVERVIEW”][vc_column_text]Offering all of the technical coaching and fun of a river trip, Family Kayak Camp adds the extra support to make it possible for mom and dad to be able to paddle every day while their kids are developing some river running skills as well. Our goal is to offer the highest level of kayak coaching to develop the next generation of river runners in a fun and safe environment. The camaraderie of working as a team and looking out for one another on the river, builds a family connection unlike any other!

What you’ll Learn: As a family you will learn the fundamentals of whitewater; properly fitting your boat, catching eddies, paddling strokes, river safety, wet exiting, rolling techniques, how to “read” the river, etc. Each day students will spend a morning and afternoon session on the water honing their skills. In the evenings, we will review performance by looking at videos from the day, and focus on team building though various games and activities.

Don’t want to learn to kayak?  No Problem. If someone in the family doesn’t want to learn to kayak, we also have rafts, stand up paddle boards, and inflatable kayaks. We want to remove the stress of traveling as a family, so that you can relax and enjoy each other’s company. Our Family Camps are “all inclusive” so you do not have to make decisions about activities, or organize meals or childcare, etc. We look at the weather and river flows for the week, and plan your trip accordingly. We have scheduled outdoor activities for the kids while yoga is going on in the late afternoon, so you can relax during class or just have some quality time together.

We believe that through learning to kayak, you and your family will walk away feeling more confident in all aspects of your lives.

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  • Riverfront Glamping style accommodations
  • Small camp size (max 3 families or 12 people)
  • Homemade snacks, breakfast, lunch & dinner daily*
  • Highly individualized professional instruction
  • Video analysis
  • Daily yoga sessions
  • High quality river equipment
  • 1 Massage included (for adults)
  • 1 day off to explore the area
  • Professional photography of the entire week
  • Transportation to and from the town of Salmon and to all sections of the river*

*Should you and/or your children have special diet requirements and/or limitations, just let us know when booking your camp. We will work with you to meet those critical needs.

*Not included: airfare, travel insurance[/vc_column_text][/toggle][toggle color=”Default” heading_tag=”h6″ heading_tag_functionality=”default” title=”FOR PARENTS”][vc_column_text]Every family that comes to our camp has their own unique experience here and we are more than happy to work with you on a custom itinerary that’s just right for you and your family. Our Family Camps allow active families the opportunity to center their experience on running rivers together, while leaving plenty of time to hike, do yoga, or play in the sand by the river. Our week-long camp includes one day without any planned activities so that you can explore the area. Our family is here for you, and we are happy to hook you up with local recommendations on the best things to see and do during your day off.

  • Learn kayaking fundamentals and paddle various sections of Class I-III whitewater on the Wild and Scenic Salmon River
  • Afternoon childcare available
  • Sandy beach river access
  • Family Friendly games and activities
  • Challenge course for team building on the property
  • Rock climbing on the property
  • Frisbee golf course
  • Trails out the back door
  • Secluded massage tent


  • CPR and First Aid trained staff
  • 1:2 child coach to child ratio in the water
  • Learn river safety skills
  • Natural spring potable water for hydration
  • Healthy homemade meals and snacks with kid friendly options*

*Should your child have special diet requirements and/or limitations, just let us know when booking your camp. We will work with you to meet those critical needs.

How it Works: Video analysis and coaching 

  • We will take photos and film your lessons
  • You and your coach will analyze it together
  • Your coach will provide feedback, tips, and corrections as well as to practice the maneuvers on the water
  • You keep the footage

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Day 1-7 8 AM Breakfast

9 AM Activities 

12 PM Lunch at the Eddy or on the river

1 PM  Activities

5 PM Free Time

6 PM Dinner at the Eddy

7 PM Video Analysis and/or team building activities

9 PM Campfire Time, if weather permits

10 PM Lights out

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What People are Saying

Based on 79 reviews
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Jennifer Harris
19:01 11 Oct 24
The Learn to Row clinic Salmon River Adventure Co. was the best ever! Diana is an amazing coach!!! I had an amazing experience learning with fellow women to build confidence in my rowing skills. The campus is beautiful and the atmosphere is full of fun. The SRAC staff is helpful, friendly and loving. I highly recommend staying, adventuring and learning with the Salmon River Adventure Company!!!
Kimberly Pertel
14:54 14 Sep 24
There are not enough stars on this chart to show my appreciation and admiration for the Salmon River Adventure Co Team!!! My son has been a part of this River Family for 2 summers now; it is his favorite time of the year with his favorite people in the World!!! Thank you for guiding him, teaching him, mentoring him and providing him with the confidence and curiosity of river safety and a true passion and love for the outdoors!! To many many more adventures =)
Carrie Godes
22:46 25 Aug 24
I can't say enough about this camp. We are not a kayaking family, but I have a 14 year old daughter who really wanted to learn white water kayaking. In one week she went from being a beginner, to becoming a confident, adventurous young kayaker who could take on some class IV rapids. The coaches are all experts with years of experience. She also said she enjoyed the good food and fun games every night. If you want to give your kids an amazing adventure and have them learn solid technical skills at the same time, this is an amazing summer camp.
Joel Griffith
04:06 25 Aug 24
Heather Willig
18:53 24 Aug 24
My husband and I had an amazing glamping experience on the Salmon River with SRAC! Our host, Polly and her staff, Grace, Bill and Denise were super attentive to our needs and helped make our 2 night/3 day road trip excursion a much needed relaxing vacation.We stayed in the large Ponderosa cabin with a comfortable and quiet king bed (and extra twin bunkbed which we didn't use). They supplied a fan (with a light and portable phone charger - bring your own cord) and camping chairs that we used to sit down by the river and throw sticks to Polly's friendly dog, Osa.Meals are prepared, served and cleaned up "family style" with extra helpings if we wanted.Due to my recent health constrictions we were able to change our whitewater experience to a relaxing afternoon float with Grace who was knowledgable about the area, including Lewis & Clark trivia.I highly recommend booking your next river adventure with Salmon River Adventure Company... you'll be super happy just like we are!
Janeen Allen
13:39 24 Aug 24
Grace was our guide. Very friendly, knowledgeable, and fun. Would definitely recommend this company. It was a beautiful scenic trip, full of eagles and other birds. The canyon is breathtaking and has so much historical aspects. It was a fun, relaxing day trip.
Scott Dillard
22:41 18 Aug 24
My 13 year old daughter went to camp with a so/so roll and not a lot of confidence. Came back with a bombproof roll, both sides, back deck and even hand rolling. The progression blew my mind and she loved the whole experience. I took her and her friend on our local class 4 yesterday and they were both dropping into the biggest features and having a blast. They both wanted a second lap! Thanks Salmon River Adventures!
Natalie Price
14:57 15 Aug 24
We had a wonderful stay in Salmon River Co.’s canvas tent after a private trip on the Middle Fork of the Salmon. Their accommodations are by far the nicest, most peaceful and closest to the MF take-out. Their staff provided perfect hospitality, the meals we’re delicious and generous, the bed was incredibly comfortable, direct views of the river, + clean and private bathing facilites with plenty of hot water. Communication from their team was great and while semi-rustic, lodging and meals exceeded our expectations and matched the wilderness and comfortable vibe we were seeking.
John Cervelli
15:39 13 Aug 24
Great experience on the North Fork!! Stewart and Grace were enthusiastic, proffesional and FUN!!!We were first timers, now are stoked and would like to do a multi day trip.
Kyle Sarver
23:53 31 Jul 24
Absolute gem! Many memories were made. We stayed in one of their tents and had a full day of private instruction on the Salmon. Tommy was phenomenal with all of his instruction and patience. Polly was a delight to be around and super accommodating. Give Salmon River Adventure Company a visit, you won't be disappointed!
Cara Curtland
02:13 27 Jul 24
What a sweet find! 4 days of kayak training tailored to our individual goals was just what we wanted. We loved the combination of classroom, pool, and river time. We learned a lot and even managed a roll. It's a great location; it's beautiful, equipped with all of the essentials, has lots of wildlife, and has plenty of fun river features. Best, though, was that it's a family-run business and everyone was friendly and personable. One fun note is that this used to be Boy Scout high adventure base and we've been Scouting leaders for years. We'd highly recommend this trip to anyone looking for a great kayaking adventure, including Scouting troops!
Gail Elliott
21:17 25 Jul 24
What a treasure of a place. The experience was incredible and exciting from the start with a cable car crossing over the Salmon river to the glamping in safari tents. The family meals were delicious and nutritious and a nice way to engage with our own family, the awesome folks at SRAC, and the other campers and family visitors. And there are so many fun adventures available on site, hiking, ducky and rafting trips that Tommy and Polly are able to facilitate with ease. The scenery is gorgeous, glad we were able to spend some family time at SRAC.
Jacob Kap
01:07 24 Jul 24
The staff was responsive and so friendly. Our kids had a blast! The river is beautiful and a great way to cool down during the hot summer.
Arielle Reynolds
01:09 22 Jul 24
We had such a great time, the guides were amazing! Absolute stunning views with wild life. Highly recommend this rafting adventure!
jerry keys
01:00 22 Jul 24
shannon Russell
19:51 21 Jul 24
Best day ever!!!! Wonderful time w/Kelly. We were his first official trip on the River after getting his license/certification. When this young man tells you he has been in/on the River his entire life, he’s not joking!!!! Such knowledge and passion. Can’t wait for our next trip. Amazing family & staff, 10/10. Thank you again Shaun, Shannon, Karen & Arlo
Kyle DeMordaunt
01:27 21 Jul 24
Loved it! Great day on the river. Stewart was awesome. Thanks
Patrick Forster
17:34 20 Jul 24
My family and I had the pleasure of going on a multi day raft trip with Salmon River Adventure Company and had an amazing time! They went the extra mile to make sure our family was safe, well fed, and had an enjoyable experience on an amazing river!We couldn't recommend them more!
Rachel Rickert
17:17 20 Jul 24
We had an unforgettable, incredible time with Salmon River Adventure Company! The camp is beautiful and was a very comfortable place to spend the night before our trip, and our time on the river was so much fun. I felt completely safe and taken care of the entire time, despite not having much rafting experience. I appreciated the pacing of each day, and the great balance of river time and camp time, with daily moments of intensity on the water. The meals were delicious and plentiful, and the times camping on the beaches were as much fun as going down the river during the day. Polly and Tommy are wonderful guides and hosts, as well as the other Hillekes, Leah, and Grace. They made the experience accessible and enjoyable for a novice like me, as well as pro kayakers in our group. I highly recommend the Salmon River Adventure Company, and I will certainly be back soon!
Dalton Tolliver
19:36 18 Jul 24
We had a phenomenal experience with Salmon River Adventures! From start to finish, everything was perfect. Olivia, Stewart, and PawPaw (Bill) were outstanding and made our trip unforgettable. Their knowledge, enthusiasm, and friendliness ensured that every moment was enjoyable and exciting.If you’re looking for an incredible adventure, I highly suggest a tour with Salmon River Adventures. You won’t be disappointed!
Kevin Nielsen
15:24 18 Jul 24
Gear people, great whitewater. We had a blast!!!
Anthony Cutting
16:54 17 Jul 24
Incredible experience! Our guides, Stewart and Olivia, were knowledgeable and friendly. The Salmon River was beautiful, and riding the rapids was so much fun. Highly recommend!
Lizzy Price
16:18 16 Jul 24
I took the Intermediate Kayaking Course with Salmon River Adventure Company and absolutely loved it. I gained a lot of skill as a kayaker and had a lot of fun along they way. I cannot recommend this place enough!
Destiny Tolliver
13:27 15 Jul 24
I recently had the pleasure of rafting with Salmon River Adventure Company, and it was an unforgettable experience for me and my family. From start to finish, the adventure was filled with excitement, laughter, and memorable moments.Stew and Olivia, the guides, were exceptional—knowledgeable, friendly, and always prioritizing our safety while ensuring we had a blast. They expertly navigated us through the rapids, providing interesting insights about the local area and wildlife along the way.If you're looking for a fantastic rafting experience with top-notch guides and a welcoming, family-oriented atmosphere, I highly recommend Salmon River!
Dalton Tolliver
01:29 15 Jul 24
We had a phenomenal experience with Salmon River Adventure Company! From start to finish, everything was perfect. Olivia, and Stewart were outstanding guides who made our trip unforgettable. We can’t wait to see PawPaw (Bill) photos, plus he was a great driver for the ride to and from the river. Their knowledge, enthusiasm, and friendliness ensured that every moment was enjoyable and exciting.If you’re looking for an incredible adventure, I highly suggest a tour with Salmon River Adventure company. You won’t be disappointed!
Mary Carr Bendeck
20:56 14 Jul 24
We had a great time rafting and camping with you! Thank you for sharing your little piece of paradise with our family!
Katie Podany
13:08 14 Jul 24
Brenna Cutting
01:33 14 Jul 24
Such a fun trip!!! Olivia, Stewart and Paw Paw were all such amazing hosts. The rapids were really fun and the other guests were great. I loved getting to jump in the river in between rapids. We will definitely take another trip with them next time we’re in Salmon!
Erika Schultz
01:11 08 Jul 24
Such a BLAST! This was my first time river rafting, and I might have been a little nervous...but the team & especially our guide Grace made me feel comfortable & we had the best time!
Mandie Dupree
21:16 07 Jul 24
The guides were very capable and kind in instructing. It was well planned and executed. We would definitely come again!
George Clement
03:28 07 Jul 24
Absolutely Amazing people and top notch company! Not only are they world class river runners but the entire outfit brings you in to feel like you’re at home. From Amazing cooking and accommodations to all the great activities in & around camp to phenomenal white water, SRAC knocks it out of the park !!
Kerri Clement
18:41 05 Jul 24
Great place with amazing people! Affordable, clean, and comfortable glamping with fantastic river views. Great place for pre and post river trips for salmon river rafters. Hot showers and excellent food!
Spencer Richards
00:29 29 Jun 24
We took our youth group and we all had a great time
Tam Fisher
00:42 27 Jun 24
Wow. We had a great time rafting with Salmon River Adventure Company. Polly was really helpful on the phone. Stewart and Gracie were incredibly efficient and friendly during our raft adventure. They even took a bunch of professional pictures. We would love to go on another raft adventure with them. We wished we would have stayed at the camp in the beautiful glamping tents they also have available right on the Salmon River.
Conner Wagner
21:11 26 Jun 24
Such a great experience! It was my girlfriend’s first time rafting and I have a little experience but this was by far the best. The river was beautiful and we were lucky enough to see big horn sheep and 3 bald eagles(apparently not lucky at all because this is an everyday thing). Rapids were epic! Class 3 with a little bonus 3+. Great intro to rafting with an extra yeeehaw. Our guide Stu was great. As a guide he seemed super confident and he made the trip more enjoyable with good convo during the calm water. Grace was our shuttle driver / photo gal. She was all smiles and had the best attitude hard not to be stoked with here there. Daniel was out front running safety yak doing tricks and keeping us entertained as well. Might have sold us on the kayak package….We ended up booking the lodging option which was not what we expected….. IN A GOOD WAY :). You take a cable car over the river to where you sleep in a nice glamping style tent. Super simple, nothing fancy but clean, comfortable, and on a beautiful piece of land right on the river. Worth the price and some.No food allowed in tents to help with critters. However they have a camp kitchen and NiNi and the guides / volunteers made us an amazing dinner/breakfast. It was a full family run business. Kids guiding the boats/ kayaks. Parents running the show. Grandparents cooking the food and making everyone feel welcome. Such a special place.
Madison Miller
13:37 23 Jun 24
Had a great time out on the river! Very good instruction and safety measures were taken. We did a 1/2 day experience and it was a blast but would totally be interested in doing a full day or overnight camping with SRAC.
Katherine N
15:46 12 Jun 24
Our half day trip with Salmon River Adventure Company was so much fun! Everyone was incredibly friendly and accommodating. The trip was safe and exhilarating. Highly recommend to anyone wanting a fun day rafting experience close to Salmon! Would love to go again!
Jeannine Tidwell
04:36 05 Jan 24
My son fully enjoyed his experience with Salmon River Adventures. His passion for kayaking was bolstered greatly. SRAC is an amazing company, and if you are looking to learn how to kayak, this is the place!
Julia Gorodetsky
20:16 12 Sep 23
Phenomenal experience, highly highly recommend! We are a large family with 3 small kids and we had the most amazing time. Our crew was thoughtful, social, and incredibly competent. The food was delicious, my kids had the best time diving from the cliffs, catching every rapid they asked for, and swimming safely in the river while watched over by our two lovely guides, Luke and Grace. It's a beautiful remote part of the river, lots of wild animals, and spectacular Idahoan rainbows every single night.
Trudie Pond
22:10 27 Aug 23
Peaceful and relaxing. Great river guide !
Tren Long
22:14 07 Aug 23
We were lucky enough to send our 2 kids down the Main Salmon with Salmon River Adventures and they couldn't be more stoked! Easy communication pre trip, super accommodating for our needs and we could not be happier. On the water the kids had an incredible time and LOVED the food.I operate a rafting company on a nearby river and can attest that these folks know what they are doing, love what they are doing, and are passionate about sharing it with the world.Everyone needs to do a multi-day rafting or kayaking trip once in their lives, and you should do it with the Hilleke Fam!
Phyllis Jones
02:41 05 Aug 23
Fabulous day trip on the Salmon River, with Luke and Kerry as our guides. Safety and fun were paramount! We were a diverse group from 9 to 73 year olds, and everyone had a blast. Lots of Bald Eagles were spotted along the way. Looking forward to going with them again....and again!
Molly Malone
22:14 31 Jul 23
What a great adventure! A perfect getaway for my kids to run around and experience whitewater for the first time. Thanks to Jason and Kassy for hosting a wonderful experience and thanks to the Hillekes for making this place happen. We’ll be back soon!
Ada King
20:00 25 Jul 23
My two friends and I had a phenomenal three days on the river in mid July with guides Luke and Kelly. We felt like we had the river to ourselves and enjoyed using standup paddle boards in between the rapids areas on the river. Our campsites were perfect as were the foods prepared by the guides. We loved the cliff jumping and side hikes as well as time on the river. We would definitely recommend this company to others looking for a Salmon River adventure!
Pete Nikolai
03:56 24 Jul 23
Luke was our guide and we had a blast! SRAC is the only rafting company in the Salmon-North Fork area that we could find that offers half-day trips. Wear quick-dry pants, long sleeve quick-dry shirt, and floppy hat under your helmet--and/or lots of sunscreen!
Cynthia Lauren Arnold
16:08 21 Jul 23
My family and I had a wonderful visit to the Salmon River Adventure Company. The grounds are beautiful and peaceful, the sounds of the river float around the pine shaded camp. The tents and outbuildings are clean and well kept. We all slept peacefully in a family size tent that hosted a queen and two sets of bunk beds. The accommodations offer the perfect combination of a night outdoors and the comfort of a bed. Not to mention, a clear nights display of stars ,far from the light pollution of town.The food is cooked on site. The bathrooms and buildings are clean and well-maintained. The camp is orderly and well organized. The staff is committed to running the day today as seamlessly as possible. They are knowledgeable, helpful, and very nice. There is a peacefulness about the place. It is the perfect reset vacation. Anyone looking for a wilderness getaway along the Salmon should checkout this amazing camp.
Steven Wojcio
17:34 14 Jul 23
Beautiful spot on the river for some awesome glamping. Tommy and Polly are welcoming, fun, and incredibly knowledgeable. We stayed here at the tail end of a trip down the middle fork and it was the perfect transition back into the real world. Thank you!
Lisa Classen
23:04 11 Jul 23
I recently took a 3 day Learn to Row & Rig course with SRAC and I cannot say enough good things! Polly and her crew were top notch and did everything to make me feel welcome and that all my needs were covered. The food and lodging were great. It’s in a beautiful setting right on the river. My rowing instructor Diana was fantastic. She is an excellent instructor with a wealth of experience, practical knowledge, and a great teaching style. She really helped me develop skills and gain confidence rowing. I made a lot of progress in a short time and had fun the entire time! These folks are a delightful group of talented, skilled and wonderful people!
02:57 06 Jul 23
SRAC, Salmon River Adventure Company, is the place to go to experience the North Fork of the Salmon at its best. The owners and staff really treat you like family. They have a ton of knowledge about whitewater paddling from all over the world and the U.S. and share it with you in a way that seems tailored to your specific interest, whether that’s riding along in a raft, paddling your own inflatable kayak, or learning “combat rolls” in your hard-sided kayak.Their camp straddles a beautiful stretch of the river, with cozy and bright glamping tents with views upstream. For the adventurous, a short hike off the back of the property gives you a panoramic view of the camp and river.The food and accommodations were great, and the owners and staff were friendly and professional. Meals were fun shared experiences where we talked with other guests about our adventures on the river that day. The staff joined in and stuck around to visit with guests and offered suggestions about new places to paddle and skills to learn.Our family of six, ranging from brand new paddlers to experienced rafters and kayakers had a great time. We all learned something new and look forward to coming back often in the years to come. Thank you, SRAC for a vacation that was both exciting and relaxing for our whole family!
Nick Wigston
21:30 05 Jul 23
We just stayed a few nights in the new Glamping Tents at the Salmon River Adventure Company. What a great experience. We are used to more rugged camping but it was really nice to sleep in a real bed and have food cooked for us while still getting to be out side along the river. The staff is amazing there and they took great care of us. We will be back.
Polk Deters
20:44 04 Jul 23
Tommy & Polly are super hosts. Their whole crew knocked it out of the park. It is a true glamping experience, with styled out canvas tents that all have a view. River time, hiking time and eating time are all things to look forward to. Thanks SRAC!
Emily Jackson
22:31 26 Jun 23
What an incredible experience! The whole crew made sure my family felt safe, adventurerous and well fed! We will be coming back for more next year as it really brought our family close together!
Anthony Barnes
23:15 25 Jun 23
There was 4 of us on our half day rafting trip down river and absolutely loved it. The views were spectacular and the rapids were just right. Luke and Kassy are so nice and knowledgeable. We will definitely re- book and recommend to all our friends/ family. Thank you so much. Tony/ Tammy Barnes.
Greer Mallette
14:51 06 Mar 23
We had a great family trip with SRA last summer, even in the face of difficult circumstances with the Moose fire. The folks at SRA went above and beyond to make the trip a success. Strongly recommend.
Sam Koerber
18:06 07 Aug 22
My kids Lucy and Otto have been going to this camp for three years now. My advice to any family out there with a kid who is interested in kayaking is plan ahead and make it happen. We love this camp. My kids had an absolute blast and an adventure they will never forget. This place is a treasure, a true Wild West experience, and a dream in the making. It’s camp with kayaking as the activity. The setup is perfect for basically all levels. Beginners can learn in deep, clear, class 2 rapids. The water is not that cold in July. More advanced boaters will have a blast playing and working on tricks in Idaho class 3 and 4. Kids that are already running class 5 rapids and want to go to Keeners will have just as much fun here and maybe more. The options are limitless.My daughter Lucy was worried she’d be the only girl but it ended up being about half and half and she can’t wait to return. We dropped the kids off and explored the surrounding area. A lifetime of adventure surrounds this place. Hot springs, adventurous mountain bike rides, kayaking, backpacking, you name it.Sign up early and plan a trip. I’m a big believer in low expectations so my advice is to not talk it up too much to your kids. Get the ball rolling and let it be what it is.I can’t say enough. We are full of gratitude for the bold dreams and hard work of the Hilleke family, the heartfelt dedication from the staff, and also the heroic efforts of the firefighters to spare this place as the Moose fire burned through.Thank you! And we we wish you the best!Sam
Robin and Gabe Dawson
02:04 01 Aug 22
Our daughter had a wonderful time and couldn’t stop talking about all the staff and campers. She left kayak camp feeling confident in her ability to wet exit and read water. She didn’t get her roll but in listening to her process the experience, it’s clear her instructors and staff were supportive, knowledgeable and fun! She/we can’t wait for next summer. As soon as she got in the car, she was talking about the two week option.
Gina D'Orazio Stryker
17:11 28 Jul 22
The crew at Salmon River Adventure Co were amazing, kind and knew their stuff. My children went for a weeklong summer camp and had a blast. We will be back for certain. It’s a perfect little spot along the river -pastoral and pristine. Our hosts Polly and Tommy were welcoming kind and oh so generous. Deepest gratitude for a wonderful week on the river. see you next season.
Matthew Brockman
22:31 27 Jul 22
My 15-year-old son finally asked to learn how to paddle. Rather than sacrifice him to the river gods, like the well-meaning friends who taught me 30 years ago, we decided learning from experts was the way to go. The combination of delicious food, non-stop games/activities for the kids (when they're not in the river) and a stellar location made for an ideal week off-the-grid. The instructors were patient, knowledgeable and encouraging. Our trip was truncated due to injury and a forest fire but neither did anything to take away from the experience. My son has the caught the bug and made clear his intention to be back next summer for more. I'm fully onboard.
Kenneth Belanger
11:11 17 Jul 22
Can't recommend Salmon River Adventure Company highly enough. Had an amazing whitewater raft trip on the lower river the first day and decided on a full-day inflatable kayak trip the second. Polly and Tommy are outstanding hosts and our guides (David, Karley, and Allie) were fantastic. Will definitely be returning!
Palisky Holas
21:04 09 Jul 22
Amazing experience! Lot of fun! Every moment of the experience was memorable and enjoyable, from the time we arrived to check in, throughout the time on the water, and afterwards. The staff were kind, knowledgeable, and clearly passionate about their work. We adored our guide as both a professional and as a person. I cannot speak highly enough about Salmon River Adventure Company! We will definitely do another trip when we return to Salmon.
Emily Hightower
18:28 04 Jul 22
This was LIFE CHANGING for our 15 year old son. The team at SRAC took excellent care of him. When we dropped him off he had just started rolling in the river after running rivers on rafts for many years. When we picked him up, we had the chance to bring him to the Middle Fork for a week on the river together. We didn't expect him to be ready to kayak the entire stretch, but thanks to the excellent river safety and paddling skills taught by this team at SRAC, our kiddo was confident, smart, and SOLID on the river! He paddled the entire stretch and showed river savvy on waves, scouting rapids, playing, catching essential eddies, and even helping out some swimmers. Thank you for instilling the kind of river ethic that has already changed how his life will turn out. The campground and facilities helped the kids feel and you could feel the way everyone of all levels progressed and connected throughout the week. The incredible instruction, positive guides, and river competence will have us coming back year after year.
Ian Anderson
16:53 28 Jun 22
My 14-year-old son, Axel, spent two weeks at SRAC for the teen kayak camp. He had an amazing time and came back a whole new paddler with so much more confidence. Would highly recommend the camp for any teenager with an interest in kayaking.
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